The field of architecture is no longer considered primarily static. The work of basecampZERO proposes a reconfiguration of one’s habitual appropriation of the built environment by actively engaging an individual’s awareness through formal, spatial and complex programmatic sequences. 

 This “spirit” is rooted in an investigative philosophy as we constantly search for unique solutions which embrace the novel and pragmatic, while revealing new idiosyncrasies during the process. Our design experimentation seeks a new ground where each project attempts to build from a new dynamic and emerge without an a-priori stylistic signature; from its own identity, embracing the complexities and each new set of circumstances; client, program, site, institution, etc. These set the course for generating singular design solutions for our clients that are programmatically responsive, sensitive to the cultural underpinnings of the place and contextually articulate finding their confidence in authenticity.

 As a small practice, we are agile and responsive to the dynamics of typical project development and excitingly embrace this mobility and collaboration. We are dedicated to helping guide each of our clients’ towards realizing their dreams and ambitions.

 Throughout my career, I have had the good fortune of experiencing a wide diversity of project types uniquely preparing me to discover the right solution for the particular needs of each client.  I have worked for very talented and gifted educators, as well, incredible clients willing to take a chance and explore with me, to all of whom I am forever grateful. As such, several of the projects have been developed and procured while in association with other offices; all have been directly impacted by my conceptual approach, unique problem-solving skills and collaborative spirit. The selected works represent a range of experiences, programs and project typologies encountered over the years.  They also outline a committed focus to client representation and responsibility, pursuit of the highest design standards and the consistent development of ideas and solutions, both the novel and pragmatic.